Saturday, January 15, 2011

January 14th - Training - Lowell - 4.75

I arrived in Lowell at about 3:40. I had told Kelly I'd be ten minutes late to our scheduled 3:30 run. She asked if she should just go ahead and I'd catch up with her. I told her, she could do what she wanted, but I asked if she would wait so that I can run with her, and when I'm done, come back for her so I could add on a little mileage. Well, we ran to the Rourke Bridge and when we were about to go up the stairs, we slowed to a stop because they were covered with snow. Fortunately there were foot prints already made, so we followed them.

(Better than nothing!!!)

We made our way up the stairs and much to Kelly's dismay, she couldn't remember if she locked her car. I decided to take her key and run back and make sure it was locked. She continued going and I picked up the pace to catch up to her. We met up at Dunkins on Middlesex Street because we both had to relieve our bladders!!! (I know, Kelly, I'm a dork!!!) I continued on our run and tried to get a lead on her so that later on I'd could go back and get her and add some extra mileage. Well, she kept up pretty well and when I was done, she was only about two minutes behind me. Anyway, as we made our way over the School Street Bridge, I had to make a choice, go on the road or go on the snow-filled path. Well, I made the dumb choice by jumping into the foot or more of snow and having to extend my strides to get through. I thought it was going to clear up but it didn't. It was never cleaned up. I ended up having to climp up on top of the snow and jump onto the shoulder of Riverside Street. For those of you who don't know, that's the boulevard (RT 113). I made my way down and as I got onto the path, I tried to pick up the pace so that I was under ten minute miles. I did that and made my way to the finish, and of course, even though I was alone, I made sure I said, I SEE DUNKINS!!!!


I was on my way back to get Kelly when I realized she was very close. I ran a little passed her and then turned around, caught her, and gave her our keys so she could start our cars while I finished off with 4.75 miles. I had about a tenth to go so I just wanted to finish it up. Kelly said she felt good running. She took her inhaler before we started. She said this time, it wasn't the breathing that was the issue, she got really hungry, and her stomach kept tightening up. MMM FOOD!!! Other than that, she said her run was good. My run was great, except for jumping in and out of snow banks!!!

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